My mother... when she was a cutie in long curls!

My Mom, Muriel, my sister Janet and I. Circa 1937.

Me crabbing.

With my favorite Uncle Russ. Crabbing together in Shark River Inlet, on the NJ shore.

Our Sunday "go to church" family on the farm. Back row, l-r; Aunt Katherine, Uncle Gus, Grandma Louise, Dad George, Mom Muriel. Front row, l-r; Janet, me. On the left, dog Trixie.

Me back in grad school @ MIT working in the lab... MIT's Experimental Astronomy Lab... and offshoot of the Draper Lab. Probably ~1962-3

From my old days with the Mass Air Guard... 101 TFS. We deployed to Phalsbourg, France when Khrushchev put up the Berlin Wall. I was at MIT and flying out of Logan with the MANG when Kennedy activated our unit. F-86H... world's best fighter... to this day!

Here's a pic of my old 101 Tac Fighter Squadron from the Mass Air Guard back in 1961-2. We were activated by Pres JFK when Mr. K put up the Berlin Wall... and deployed to Phalsbourg Air Base in eastern France. Our F-86H (best fighter plane... ever!) and our flight jackets display the shamrock... and we were widely known (mainly by us) as The Irish Air Force. I'm 5th from the left on the upper row. Many, many memories!!

Famous A9 shot I took of Dave Scott during my EVA... This was just prior to me heading up the handrail (foreground) to demonstrate EVA transfer LM>CM... when Dave’s Maurer movie camera failed and I got my "unemployed" 5 minutes...

Same EVA taken by Jim inside the LM...with me during those special 5 minutes...

The Home Planet. The cover of the hardcover version of the ASE's first book.

Pic taken in Hungary during an ASE Executive Committee meeting

Holding up a set of The Adventures of Tintin at a family gathering in Alsace, France. Daughter Diana on my left.

My daughter Diana and my sister Janet showing off one of the Tintin books just gifted to me at a family gathering in Alsace, France. Circa 2005.

This was essentially my whole (immediate) family at my 80th birthday celebration back in 2015...

Brian Cox, me, Dorin Prunariu (left to right) on one of the panels during the 2017 live world-wide broadcast of Asteroid Day (UN recognized day of worldwide education re asteroids).

Asteroid Day in 2017... (left to right) Jean-Francois Clervoy, Ed Lu, Brian Cox, me, Nicole Stott, Dorin Prunariu. Brian's the Carl Sagan of the UK (& great friend). Jean-Francois, ESA/French Astro... Ed & Nicole two of ours & Dorin my great buddy Cosmo from Romania... & ASE NEO Committee bud (& UN/COPUOS past exec)

Nancy and I in Luxembourg for the 2017 Asteroid Day events with (former) Dep Prime Minister Etienne Schneider ...the "champion" of Luxembourg's interest and investment in things asteroid.

Economist Magazine panel hosted by Oliver Morton (left) in November 2018, NYC

Economist magazine's recent Space Summit 2018

Pic taken during the opening panel session at the Economist magazine's recent Space Summit 2018

Economist magazine's recent Space Summit 2018

Nancy and I crossing the border from Chile to Argentina on our Patagonia trip, Mar 2017

Nancy and I in front of the Perito Marino glacier outside El Calafate, Argentina

Rams & I in the Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. Mar 2017

Rams & I in Ushuaia, Argentina about to board a cruise ship to visit Cape Horn & environs. Great trip!

Nancy and I checking out our Pink Pussy hats, early 2017

Rams & I at a "support science" march in SF, 2017

With one of my 11 grandchildren

Chris Smith (Director of AURA in Chile)(Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy) and I at the LSST construction site (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope) on top of Cerro Pachon, Chile, Mar 2017

Nancy and I at some museum in front of the Moon...

Nancy and I in Oregon for the total eclipse of the Sun...

The founder of Sonoma Gen. Mariano Vallejo and I (right)... at the height of the Sonoma fires in 2017

Yang Liwei, the head of the Chinese astronaut office (and first Chinese Astro) with me at a tree planting ceremony last Sept in Minsk @ the annual ASE Planetary Congress.

Nancy and I enjoying Sonoma wine tasting with a couple of our Dutch friends